Joseph Haydn (1732 - 1809) Austrian composer Andante from Trumpet Concerto in E flat Hob. VIIe:1, 2nd movement arranged by Martin White 2021 - 2022 ABRSM Piano Exam Grade 3 B:3 2021 - 2022年 英國皇家音樂考試 第三級鋼琴考試曲
Ferdinand Beyer (Jul/25/1803 "Querfurt" - May/14/1863 "Mainz") German composer Vorschule im Klavierspiel Elementary Instruction Book for the Pianoforte 拜爾鋼琴教本 Zweibändige Übungsstücke Exercises for both hands 兩手的練習 Op.101 No.20 Allegretto in C
Ferdinand Beyer (Jul/25/1803 "Querfurt" - May/14/1863 "Mainz") German composer Vorschule im Klavierspiel Elementary Instruction Book for the Pianoforte 拜爾鋼琴教本 Zweibändige Übungsstücke Exercises for both hands 兩手的練習 Op.101 No.14 Etude in C
Tylman Susato (c.1510 / 15 - c.1570) Renaissance composer Piano Mix 2 Great arrangements for easy piano (Grades 2-3) AB 3827, p.10 La Mourisque (Arranged by Martin White)
Franz Joseph Haydn (Mar/31/1732 - May/31/1809) Austrian composer Piano Sonata in C Hob. XVI:48 2nd movement 'Rondo (Presto)' 2019 - 2020 ABRSM Piano Exam Grade 8 B:6 2019 - 2020 年 英國皇家音樂檢定 第八級鋼琴考試曲 complete Sonata ~ ARSM and DipABRSM
Ferdinand Beyer (Jul/25/1803 "Querfurt" - May/14/1863 "Mainz") German composer Vorschule im Klavierspiel Elementary Instruction Book for the Pianoforte 拜爾鋼琴教本 Zweibändige Übungsstücke Exercises for both hands 兩手的練習 Op.101 No.21 Moderato in C
George Frideric Handel (1685 - 1759) German-English composer Gavotte in G, HWV 491 Exam (no-repeat) Practice Tempo 2021 - 2022 ABRSM Piano Exam Grade 3 A:3 2021 - 2022年 英國皇家音樂考試 第三級鋼琴考試曲 RCM 2015 Piano Exam Level 3 List A "Baroque Repertoire" (加拿大皇家音樂學院檢定 / The Royal Conservatory of Music) 1998 年 英國皇家音樂檢定 第三級鋼琴考試曲 A:1
Ferdinand Beyer (Jul/25/1803 "Querfurt" - May/14/1863 "Mainz") German composer Vorschule im Klavierspiel Elementary Instruction Book for the Pianoforte 拜爾鋼琴教本 Zweibändige Übungsstücke Exercises for both hands 兩手的練習 Op.101 No.13 Etude in C
Béla Bartók (Mar/25/1881 - Sep/26/1945) Hungarian composer For Children Vol.2 No.7 Sorrow / Song of the Rogue / Rogue's Song/Sorrow ABRSM 2021 - 2022 Piano Exam Grade 2 B:4 2021 - 2022 年 英國皇家音樂檢定 第二級鋼琴檢定曲
Jazz Recorder 1 for Young Players (UE 18828) No.4 A Little Latin ABRSM 2006 - 2017 (B:8) ABRSM 2018 - 2021 (B:10) Soprano Recorder Exam Grade 5 英國皇家音樂檢定 第五級高音笛考試曲
Ferdinand Beyer (Jul/25/1803 "Querfurt" - May/14/1863 "Mainz") German composer Vorschule im Klavierspiel Op.101 Elementary Instruction Book for the Pianoforte 拜爾鋼琴教本 Zweibändige Übungsstücke Exercises for both hands 兩手的練習 Op.101 No.12 Moderato in C
Piano performance with sheet of music
Ferdinand Beyer (Jul/25/1803 "Querfurt" - May/14/1863 "Mainz") German composer Vorschule im Klavierspiel Elementary Instruction Book for the Pianoforte 拜爾鋼琴教本 Zweibändige Übungsstücke Exercises for both hands 兩手的練習 Op.101 No.19 Allegretto in C
Ferdinand Beyer (Jul/25/1803 "Querfurt" - May/14/1863 "Mainz") German composer Vorschule im Klavierspiel Elementary Instruction Book for the Pianoforte 拜爾鋼琴教本 Zweibändige Übungsstücke Exercises for both hands 兩手的練習 Op.101 No.25 Etude in C
Sir Edward Elgar / Sir Edward William Elgar Born: Jun / 2 / 1857 "Broadheath, Worcestershire, England" Died: Feb / 23 / 1934 "Worcester, Worcestershire" English composer Salut d'amour / Love's Greeting Op.12 (Arranged by Richard Jones) 2021 - 2022 ABRSM Piano Exam Grade 3 B:1 2021 - 2022年 英國皇家音樂考試 第三級鋼琴考試曲
Friedrich Daniel Rudolf Kuhlau (11 Sep 1786 - 12 Mar 1832) German-Danish composer Sonatine Op.88 No.2 G dur-Sol majeur-G大調 3rd movement 'Rondo-Vivace' from Sonatinen II (小奏鳴曲集 2) No.5 庫勞 小奏鳴曲 作品88 第2曲 G大調,第三樂章 "極快速的輪旋曲" (全音 P247)
Ferdinand Beyer (Jul/25/1803 "Querfurt" - May/14/1863 "Mainz") German composer Vorschule im Klavierspiel Op.101 Elementary Instruction Book for the Pianoforte 拜爾鋼琴教本 Zweibändige Übungsstücke Exercises for both hands 兩手的練習 Op.101 No.18 Allegretto in C
Sonata in a minor, op. 6-6 1st movement 'Adagio' from Albinoni Dall'Abaco Veracini 3 Sonatas of the Italian Baroque for Treble Recorder (Flute) and Basso continuo für Altblockflöte (Querflöte) und Basso continuo (Hugo Ruf) OFB 170 (SCHOTT) ABRSM 2014 - 2021 Treble (Alto) Recorder Exam Grade 8 A:1-1
Ferdinand Beyer (Jul/25/1803 "Querfurt" - May/14/1863 "Mainz") German composer Vorschule im Klavierspiel Op.101 Elementary Instruction Book for the Pianoforte 拜爾鋼琴教本 Zweibändige Übungsstücke Exercises for both hands 兩手的練習 Op.101 No.24 Etude in C
Ferdinand Beyer (Jul/25/1803 "Querfurt" - May/14/1863 "Mainz") German composer Vorschule im Klavierspiel Op.101 Elementary Instruction Book for the Pianoforte 拜爾鋼琴教本 Zweibändige Übungsstücke Exercises for both hands 兩手的練習 Op.101 No.17 Allegretto in C
Ferdinand Beyer (Jul/25/1803 "Querfurt" - May/14/1863 "Mainz") German composer Vorschule im Klavierspiel Op.101 Elementary Instruction Book for the Pianoforte 拜爾鋼琴教本 Zweibändige Übungsstücke Exercises for both hands 兩手的練習 Op.101 No.23 Moderato in C
Ferdinand Beyer (Jul/25/1803 "Querfurt" - May/14/1863 "Mainz") German composer Vorschule im Klavierspiel Elementary Instruction Book for the Pianoforte 拜爾鋼琴教本 Zweibändige Übungsstücke Exercises for both hands 兩手的練習 Op.101 No.16 Moderato in C
Martha Mier (b.1936/Dec/10) American composer Jazz, Rags & Blues Book 2 page 14 - 16 8 original pieces for the early intermediate to intermediate pianist (Alfred 6643) Beach Buggy Boogie
Karl Czerny (1791 - 1857) Austrian composer Carl Czerny Practical Method for Beginners on the Pianoforte (徹爾尼100練習曲) 全音-P205 Exercises exceeding the Compass of an Octave but only on white Keys (超出一個八度音程音域外但僅用白鍵之練習) No.28 Etude in C Major
Anne Crosby Gaudet (b.1968) Canadian composer Angelfish Practice Tempo ABRSM 2021 - 2022 Piano Exam Grade 2 C:2 2021 - 2022 年 英國皇家音樂檢定 第二級鋼琴考試曲
Karl Czerny (1791 - 1857) Austrian composer Carl Czerny Practical Method for Beginners on the Pianoforte (徹爾尼100練習曲) 全音-P205 Exercises exceeding the Compass of an Octave, but only on white Keys (超出一個八度音程音域外但僅用白鍵之練習) No.27 Etude in C Major
Simone Plé (1897 - 1986) French composer Les chants et les jeux No.11 Le chant du pâtre / The Shepherd's Song 2021 - 2022 ABRSM Piano Exam Grade 2 B:2 英國皇家音樂檢定 第二級鋼琴考試曲
Ferdinand Beyer (Jul/25/1803 "Querfurt" - May/14/1863 "Mainz") German composer Vorschule im Klavierspiel Elementary Instruction Book for the Pianoforte 拜爾鋼琴教本 Zweibändige Übungsstücke Exercises for both hands 兩手的練習 Op.101 No.28 Etude in C
Piano Performance with sheet of music
Friedrich Daniel Rudolf Kuhlau (11 Sep 1786 - 12 Mar 1832) German-Danish composer Sonatinen II (小奏鳴曲集 2) No.5 庫勞 小奏鳴曲 作品88 第2曲 G大調 第一、二樂章 "極快速的快板、如歌的小行板" (全音 P247) Sonatine Op.88 No.2 G dur-Sol majeur 1st and 2nd movt "Allegro assai and Andante cantabile"
Ferdinand Beyer (Jul/25/1803 "Querfurt" - May/14/1863 "Mainz") German composer Vorschule im Klavierspiel (Elementary Instruction Book for the Pianoforte) 拜爾鋼琴教本 Zweibändige Übungsstücke Exercises for both hands 兩手的練習 Op.101 No.27 Etude in C
Giovanni Battista Pescetti (c.1704 - Mar / 20 / 1766) Italian composer Sonata No.8 in C 4th movement 'Allegro' 2003 - 2004 and 2021 - 2022 ABRSM Piano Exam Grade 6 A:1 英國皇家音樂考試 第六級鋼琴考試曲
Jazz Recorder 1 for Young Players (UE 18828) No.4 A Little Latin ABRSM 2006 - 2017 (B:8) ABRSM 2018 - 2021 (B:10) Soprano Recorder Exam Grade 5 英國皇家音樂檢定 第五級高音笛考試曲
Ferdinand Beyer (Jul/25/1803 "Querfurt" - May/14/1863 "Mainz") German composer Vorschule im Klavierspiel (Elementary Instruction Book for the Pianoforte) 拜爾鋼琴教本 Zweibändige Übungsstücke Exercises for both hands 兩手的練習 Op.101 No.26 Moderato in C
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1791 - 1857) Austrian composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Easy Piano Pieces and Dances Leichte Klavierstücke und Tänze 莫札特 鋼琴小曲集 (BA 5327)
Carl Czerny (1791 - 1857) Austrian composer Practical Method for Beginners on the Pianoforte (徹爾尼100練習曲) 全音-P205 Exercises within the Compass of an Octave, on white Keys only (在一個八度音程音樂內僅用白鍵練習) Op.599 No.26 Etude in C Major
Ferdinand Beyer (Jul/25/1803 "Querfurt" - May/14/1863 "Mainz") German composer Vorschule im Klavierspiel (Elementary Instruction Book for the Pianoforte) 拜爾鋼琴教本 Op.101 No.44 Moderato in C (Octave/ 八度音程)
Ludwig van Beethoven (Dec/17/1770 - Mar/26/1827) German composer Für Elise / 貝多芬 給愛麗絲 (Apr/27/1810) from C 調彈奏貝多芬名曲 (天音出版社 DM001-DOREMI Music Publishing) Beethoven Piano Concert (水野 薰 編) p.10-11
Ferdinand Beyer (Jul/25/1803 "Querfurt" - May/14/1863 "Mainz") German composer Vorschule im Klavierspiel Op.101 (Elementary Instruction Book for the Pianoforte) 拜爾鋼琴教本 No.11 Moderato in C (Vierhändigen-For Four Hands-四手用)
Carl Czerny Practical Method for Beginners Op.599 on the Pianoforte (徹爾尼100練習曲) 全音-P205 Exercises exceeding the Compass of an Octave but only on white Keys (超出一個八度音程音域外但僅用白鍵之練習) No.29 Etude in C Major
Piano Performance with sheet
(彈奏影片加上樂譜由 Violy App 製作/ Score by Violy App)
Karl Czerny Practical Exercises (Method) for Beginners Op.599
Sonata in a minor, op. 6-6 1st and 2nd movement 'Adagio and Allegro' from Albinoni Dall'Abaco Veracini 3 Sonatas of the Italian Baroque for Treble Recorder (Flute) and Basso continuo für Altblockflöte (Querflöte) und Basso continuo (Hugo Ruf) OFB 170 (SCHOTT) ABRSM 2014 - 2021 Treble (Alto) Recorder Exam Grade 8 A:1
Carl Czerny (1791 - 1857) Austrian composer 徹爾尼小鋼琴家,作品823 (Czerny The Little Pianist Op. 823) Czerny Le petit pianiste, Op.823 (全音 - P211) The Twelve Major and Twelve Minor Scales (十二種大音階與小音階的練習) Book I a minor - a小調
Carl Czerny (1791 - 1857) Austrian composer 徹爾尼小鋼琴家,作品823 (Czerny The Little Pianist Op. 823) Czerny Le petit pianiste, Op.823 (全音 - P211) The Twelve Major and Twelve Minor Scales (十二種大音階與小音階的練習) Book I, A Major - A大調
Carl Czerny (1791 - 1957) Austrian composer 徹爾尼小鋼琴家,作品823 Czerny The Little Pianist Op. 823 Czerny Le petit pianiste, Op.823 (全音 - P211) The Twelve Major and Twelve Minor Scales (十二種大音階與小音階的練習) Book I, E Major - E大調
Carl Czerny (Feb/21/1791 "Vienna, Austria" - Jul/15/1857 "Vienna") Austrian composer
Karl Czerny Practical Method for Beginners on the Pianoforte (徹爾尼100練習曲) 全音-P205 It is also well to practice the first 18 Exercises transposed a semitone higher and a semitone lower, retaining the original fingering (將這些最初的十八個練習,以原來的指法移高或移低半音來練習為佳) Op.599 No.4 Exercise in B Major
Carl Czerny (1791 - 1857) Austrian composer Karl Czerny Practical Method for Beginners on the Pianoforte (徹爾尼100練習曲) 全音-P205 It is also well to practice the first 18 Exercises transposed a semitone higher and a semitone lower, retaining the original fingering (將這些最初的十八個練習,以原來的指法移高或移低半音來練習為佳) Op.599 No.4 Etude in C sharp / D flat Major
Robert Schumann (1810 - 1856) German composer Album for the Young Album für die Jugend Op.68 No.16 First loss/Erster Verlust Clara Tempo M.M.=96 ABRSM Ed. Tempo M.M.=72 ABRSM 2009 - 2010 Piano Exam Grade 4 B:6 2009 - 2010 年 英國皇家音樂檢定 第四級鋼琴考試曲 ABRSM 2021 - 2022 Piano Exam Grade 4 B:3 2021 - 2022 年 英國皇家音樂檢定 第四級鋼琴考試曲 Trinity Guildhall 2015 - 2017 Piano Grade 3 2015 - 2017 年 英國倫敦聖三一學院音樂考試 第三級鋼琴考試曲
Carl Czerny (Feb/21/1791 "Vienna, Austria" - Jul/15/1857 "Vienna") Austrian composer
Karl Czerny Practical Method for Beginners on the Pianoforte (徹爾尼100練習曲) 全音-P205 It is also well to practice the first 18 Exercises transposed a semitone higher and a semitone lower, retaining the original fingering (將這些最初的十八個練習,以原來的指法移高或移低半音來練習為佳) Op.599 No.4 Exercise in C Major
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750) German composer Choral 'Deal with Me, Lord', BWV 514 上帝與我同在 / Schaff's mit mir, Gott 2021 - 2022 ABRSM Piano Exam Grade 1 A:5 2021 - 2022 年 英國皇家音樂檢定 第一級鋼琴考試曲 AMEB Piano Grade 1 Series 16 ABRSM Exam (no-repeat) Practice Tempo
Ferdinand Beyer (Jul/25/1803 "Querfurt" - May/14/1863 "Mainz") German composer Vorschule im Klavierspiel (Elementary Instruction Book for the Pianoforte) 拜爾鋼琴教本 Vierhändigen - For Four Hands - 四手用
Sonata in a minor, op. 6-6 1st movement 'Adagio' from Albinoni Dall'Abaco Veracini 3 Sonatas of the Italian Baroque for Treble Recorder (Flute) and Basso continuo für Altblockflöte (Querflöte) und Basso continuo (Hugo Ruf) OFB 170 (SCHOTT) ABRSM 2014 - 2021 Treble (Alto) Recorder Exam Grade 8 A:1-1