
2020年7月30日 星期四

Melody 2128 ~ Dmitri Kabalevsky(Tutorial)


Dmitri Kabalevsky (1904 - 1987) Russian Composer

Kabalevsky 24 Pieces for Children Op.39
卡巴列夫斯基 / 24首鋼琴小品 / 作品三十九

No.6 A Little Scherzo / A Little Joke / 詼諧曲

Exam Tempo

2021 - 2022 ABRSM
Piano Exam Initial Grade A:6

2021 - 2022年

Piano Duet Sight - Reading / 鋼琴聯彈視奏讀譜訓練 ~ 婕怡 、緯銘

Ferdinand Beyer
(Jul/25/1803 "Querfurt" - May/14/1863 "Mainz")
German composer

Vorschule im Klavierspiel Op.101
(Elementary Instruction Book for the Pianoforte)

Vierhändigen - For Four Hands - 四手用

Op.101 No.9 Allegretto in C

2020年7月29日 星期三

Piano Duet Sight - Reading / 鋼琴聯彈視奏讀譜訓練 ~ 婕怡 、緯銘

Ferdinand Beyer
(Jul/25/1803 "Querfurt" - May/14/1863 "Mainz")
German composer

Vorschule im Klavierspiel Op.101
(Elementary Instruction Book for the Pianoforte)

Vierhändigen - For Four Hands - 四手用

Op.101 No.8 Etude in C

Melody 2127 ~ Johann Sebastian Bach (no-repeat)


Johann Sebastian Bach
(1685 - 1750)
German composer

Choral 'Deal with Me, Lord', BWV 514
(上帝與我同在 / Schaff's mit mir, Gott)

2021 - 2022 ABRSM
Piano Exam Grade 1 A:5

2021 - 2022 年

AMEB Piano Grade 1 Series 16

Practice Tempo

Melody 2126 ~ Johann Sebastian Bach (Tutorial)


Johann Sebastian Bach
(1685 - 1750)
German composer

Choral 'Deal with Me, Lord', BWV 514
(上帝與我同在 / Schaff's mit mir, Gott)

2021 - 2022 ABRSM
Piano Exam Grade 1 A:5

2021 - 2022 年

AMEB Piano Grade 1 Series 16

Exam Tempo

Melody 2125 ~ Ferdinand Beyer

Ferdinand Beyer
(Jul/25/1803 "Querfurt" - May/14/1863 "Mainz")
German composer

Vorschule im Klavierspiel Op.101
(Elementary Instruction Book for the Pianoforte)

No.36 Etude in C

Piano performance with sheet
(彈奏影片加上樂譜由Violy App製作/Score by Violy App)

Beyer Op.101 Complete Album

2020年7月27日 星期一

Melody 2124 ~ Carl Czerny

Carl Czerny
(February/21/1791 - July/15/1857)
Austrian composer

(Czerny The Little Pianist Op. 823)
Karl Czerny Le petit pianiste, Op.823
(全音 - P211)

Appogiaturas and Grace-notes

Book II ~ No.53 Vivace in G

Piano performance with sheet
(彈奏影片加上樂譜由Violy App製作-Score by Violy App)

(Czerny The Little Pianist Op. 823)
Czerny Le petit pianiste, Op.823
(全音 - P211)
Complete Album

Melody 2123 ~ Ferdinand Beyer

Ferdinand Beyer
(Jul/25/1803 "Querfurt" - May/14/1863 "Mainz")
German composer

Vorschule im Klavierspiel Op.101
(Elementary Instruction Book for the Pianoforte)

Op.101 No.37
Allegretto position in G

Piano performance with sheet
(彈奏影片加上樂譜由 Violy App 製作/Score by Violy App)

Beyer Op.101 Complete Album

2020年7月26日 星期日

Melody 2122 ~ Ludwig van Beethoven

Ludwig van Beethoven
baptized Dec / 17 / 1770 "Bonn, Germany"
Mar / 26 / 1827 "Vienna, Austria"
German composer

Bagatelle in g minor, WoO 61a
'Allegretto Quasi Andante'

Melody 2121 ~ Ferdinand Beyer

Ferdinand Beyer
(Jul/25/1803 "Querfurt" - May/14/1863 "Mainz")
German composer

Vorschule im Klavierspiel Op.101
(Elementary Instruction Book for the Pianoforte)

Op.101 No.31 Etude in C

Piano performance with sheet of music
(彈奏影片加上樂譜由Violy App製作/Score by Violy App)

Beyer Op.101 Complete Album

2020年7月25日 星期六

Melody 2120 ~ Ferdinand Beyer

Ferdinand Beyer
(Jul/25/1803 "Querfurt" - May/14/1863 "Mainz")
German composer

Vorschule im Klavierspiel Op.101
(Elementary Instruction Book for the Pianoforte)

Op.101 No.30 Etude in C

Piano performance with sheet of music
(彈奏影片加上樂譜由Violy App製作/Score by Violy App)

Beyer Op.101 Complete Album

Melody 2119 ~ Carl Czerny

Karl Czerny (1791 - 1857) Austrian composer

Carl Czerny Practical Method for Beginners on the Pianoforte

Exercises within the Compass of an Octave, on white Keys only

Op.599 No.24 Etude in C Major

Piano Performance with sheet
(彈奏影片加上樂譜由Violy App製作 / Score by Violy App)

Karl Czerny Practical Exercises (Method) for Beginners Op.599
徹爾尼 (車爾尼) 100 練習曲

Melody 2118 ~ Karen Tanaka / 田中 カレン / たなか かれん (Tutorial)


Karen Tanaka/田中 カレン/たなか かれん/田中佳莲(音译)
(b.1961, Tokyo)
Japanese composer

Spectrum 4 an international collection
of 66 miniatures for solo piano
(AB 2917)

page 64 Northern Lights / 

Exam Tempo

2025 - 2026 ABRSM Piano Exam Grade 3
2025 & 2026 英國皇家音樂檢定 第三級鋼琴考試曲 / 钢琴等级音乐演奏 第3级
(AB 4119)

ABRSM Piano Grade 3

Spectrum 4 an international collection of 66 miniatures for solo piano
(AB 2917)

2011 - 2012 ABRSM Piano Exam Grade 3 C:6
2011 - 2012 年 / 英國皇家音樂檢定 / 第三級鋼琴考試曲 

2011 - 2012 ABRSM Piano Exam Grade 3
(Complete Album)

2021 - 2022 ABRSM Piano Exam Grade 3 C:10
2021 - 2022 年 / 英國皇家音樂檢定 / 第三級鋼琴考試曲

2021 - 2022 ABRSM Piano Exam Grade 3
(Complete Album)

2023 - 2024 ABRSM Piano Exam Grade 3 C:10
2023 - 2024 年 / 英國皇家音樂檢定 / 第三級鋼琴考試曲

2023 - 2024 ABRSM Piano Exam Grade 3
(Complete Album)

2025 - 2026 ABRSM Piano Exam Grade 3
2025 & 2026 英國皇家音樂檢定 第三級鋼琴考試曲 / 钢琴等级音乐演奏 第3级
(AB 4119)

Melody 2117 ~ Ferdinand Beyer

Ferdinand Beyer
(Jul/25/1803 "Querfurt" - May/14/1863 "Mainz")
German composer

Vorschule im Klavierspiel Op.101
(Elementary Instruction Book for the Pianoforte)

Op.101 No.29 Etude in C

Piano performance with sheet of music
(彈奏影片加上樂譜由Violy App製作/Score by Violy App)

Beyer Op.101 Complete Album

2020年7月23日 星期四

Melody 2116 ~ Ferdinand Beyer

Ferdinand Beyer
(Jul/25/1803 "Querfurt" - May/14/1863 "Mainz")
German composer

Vorschule im Klavierspiel
Elementary Instruction Book for the Pianoforte

Übung in Achteln
Exercise in quavers

Op.101 No.39 Etude in G position

Piano Performance with sheet
(彈奏影片加上樂譜由 Violy App 製作/ Score by Violy App)

2025 - 2026 ABRSM Piano Exam Initial Grade B:1
2025 & 2026 英國皇家音樂考試 鋼琴最初級考試曲 / 钢琴等级音乐演奏 初级考试

Beyer Op.101 Complet Album

2025 - 2026 ABRSM Piano Exam Initial Grade
2025 & 2026 英國皇家音樂考試 鋼琴最初級考試曲 / 钢琴等级音乐演奏 初级考试
(AB 4116)
Complete Album

Melody 2115 ~ Carl Czerny

Karl Czerny (1791 - 1857) Austrian composer

Carl Czerny Practical Method for Beginners on the Pianoforte

Exercises within the Compass of an Octave, on white Keys only

Op.599 No.24 Etude in C Major

Piano performance with sheet of music
(彈奏影片加上樂譜由Violy App製作/Score by Violy App)

Karl Czerny Practical Exercises (Method) for Beginners Op.599
徹爾尼 (車爾尼) 100 練習曲

2020年7月22日 星期三

Melody 2114 ~ Giles Swayne

Giles Oliver Cairnes Swayne
(Jun / 30 / 1946 "Hertfordshire")
British composer

Whistling Tune

ABRSM 2021 - 2022
Piano Exam Grade 2 C:10

2021 - 2022 年

Practice Tempo


Melody 2113 ~ Ferdinand Beyer

Ferdinand Beyer
(Jul/25/1803 "Querfurt" - May/14/1863 "Mainz")
German composer

Vorschule im Klavierspiel Op.101
(Elementary Instruction Book for the Pianoforte)

Op.101 No.38
Etude in G position

2020年7月21日 星期二

Melody 2112 ~ Ferdinand Beyer

Ferdinand Beyer
(Jul/25/1803 "Querfurt" - May/14/1863 "Mainz")
German composer

Vorschule im Klavierspiel Op.101
(Elementary Instruction Book for the Pianoforte)

Op.101 No.35
Moderato in C

Piano Performance with sheet of music
(彈奏影片加上樂譜由Violy App製作/Score by Violy App)

Beyer Op.101 Complete Album

Melody 2111 ~ Carl Czerny

Carl Czerny
(February/21/1791 - July/15/1857)
Austrian composer

(Czerny The Little Pianist Op. 823)
Karl Czerny Le petit pianiste, Op.823
(全音 - P211)

Exercises in Different Keys

Book II ~ No.
Allegro vivace in G

Piano Performance with sheet
(彈奏影片加上樂譜由Violy App製作/Score by Violy App)

(Czerny The Little Pianist Op. 823)
Czerny Le petit pianiste, Op.823
(全音 - P211)
Complete Album

2020年7月20日 星期一

Piano ~ 婕怡 / Alto (Treble) Recorder ~ 旻蓁 (Sight Reading / 視奏訓練)

No.42 Allegretto

選自 ソルフェージュ(1)
白川 雅樹 著

Melody 2110 ~ Ferdinand Beyer

Ferdinand Beyer
(Jul/25/1803 "Querfurt" - May/14/1863 "Mainz")
German composer

Vorschule im Klavierspiel Op.101
(Elementary Instruction Book for the Pianoforte)

Op.101 No.40
Etude in G position

Piano Performance with sheet of music
(彈奏影片加上樂譜由Violy App製作/Score by Violy App)

F. Beyer Vorschule im Klavierspiel Op.101
(Elementary Instruction Book for the Pianoforte) 拜爾鋼琴教本
Complet Album

2020年7月19日 星期日

Melody 2109 ~ Ferdinand Beyer

Ferdinand Beyer
(Jul/25/1803 "Querfurt" - May/14/1863 "Mainz")
German composer

Vorschule im Klavierspiel Op.101
(Elementary Instruction Book for the Pianoforte)

Op.101 No.104
Allegretto in F

Melody 2108 ~ Karl Czerny

Carl Czerny (1791 - 1857) Austrian composer

Czerny The Little Pianist Op. 823
Czerny Le petit pianiste, Op.823
(全音 - P211)

The Twelve Major and Twelve Minor Scales

Op. 823 Book I, g minor - g小調

2020年7月18日 星期六

Melody 2107 ~ Тань руу нүүж явна (Монгол киноны хөгжим) Piano Mongolia

Тань руу нүүж явна
(Монгол киноны хөгжим)

Piano Mongolia

Melody 2106 ~ Karl Czerny

Carl Czerny
(1791 - 1857)
Austrian composer

Czerny The Little Pianist Op. 823
Czerny Le petit pianiste, Op.823
(全音 - P211)

The Twelve Major and Twelve Minor Scales

Op. 823 Book I
d minor - d小調

2020年7月17日 星期五

Melody 2105 ~ Karl Czerny

Carl Czerny
(1791 - 1857)
Austrian composer

Czerny The Little Pianist Op. 823
Czerny Le petit pianiste, Op.823
(全音 - P211)

The Twelve Major and Twelve Minor Scales

Op. 823 Book I
C Major - C大調

Melody 2104 ~ Ferdinand Beyer

Ferdinand Beyer
(Jul/25/1803 "Querfurt" - May/14/1863 "Mainz")
German composer

Vorschule im Klavierspiel
Elementary Instruction Book for the Pianoforte

Op.101 No.103
Allegro moderato in C

2020年7月16日 星期四

Melody 2103 ~ Karl Czerny

Carl Czerny
(1791 - 1857)
Austrian composer

Czerny The Little Pianist Op. 823
Czerny Le petit pianiste, Op.823
(全音 - P211)

The Twelve Major and Twelve Minor Scales

Op. 823 Book I
c minor - c小調

Piano Grade 6 ~ 旻蓁

Domenico Cimarosa
(Dec / 17 / 1749 - Jan / 11 / 1801)
Italian composer

Sonata in E falt Major 'Andantino

ABRSM 2019 - 2020
Piano Exam Grade 6 A:5

2019 - 2020

Exam Tempo

Practice Tempo

2020年7月15日 星期三

Melody 2102 ~ Karl Czerny

Carl Czerny (1791 - 1857) Austrian composer

Czerny The Little Pianist Op. 823
Czerny Le petit pianiste, Op.823
(全音 - P211)

The Twelve Major and Twelve Minor Scales

Book I, G Major - G大調

Melody 2101 ~ Franz Schubert

Franz Schubert

The New Trout
from Piano Quintet in A
D.667, fourth movement

from Piano Mix 2
Great arrangements for easy piano
(Grades 2-3)
AB 3827, page 9
(Arranged by Philippa Topham)

2020年7月14日 星期二

Treble (Alto) Recorder Grade 2 ~ 婕怡 (repeat)


Guillaume de Machaut
(c.1300 - 1377)
French composer

c.1340 Douce dame jolie

Time Pieces for Treble / Alto Recorder Volume 1
(AB 2845)
Music through the Ages in Two Volumes
Kathryn Bennetts and Peter Bowman

2008 - 2013 年

ABRSM 2008 - 2013
Treble (Alto) Recorder Grade 2 C:3

Melody 2100 ~ Karl Czerny

Karl Czerny (1791 - 1857) Austrian composer

Czerny The Little Pianist Op. 823
Czerny Le petit pianiste, Op.823
(全音 - P211)

The Twelve Major and Twelve Minor Scales

Op. 823 Book I
D Major - D大調

Melody 2099 ~ Domenico Scarlatti

Domenico Scarlatti, in full Giuseppe Domenico Scarlatti
(Oct/25/1685 'Naples, Italy' - Jul/23/1757 'Madrid, Spain')
Italian composer

Sonata in d minor 'Aria'
(K 32 / L 423 / P.14)

from Scarlatti The First Book for Pianist
MPS - 2005A
(Alfred's Classic Editions)
page 6-7 

Piano Sight - Reading / 視奏讀譜訓練 ~ 婕怡 、緯銘

 Ferdinand Beyer
(Jul/25/1803 "Querfurt" - May/14/1863 "Mainz")
German composer

Vorschule im Klavierspiel Op.101
Elementary Instruction Book for the Pianoforte

from 兒童的拜爾 鋼琴教本
導入書 p.24-25
(美樂 MP105)

2020年7月12日 星期日

Piano Sight - Reading / 視奏讀譜訓練 ~ 婕怡 、緯銘

Ferdinand Beyer
(Jul/25/1803 "Querfurt" - May/14/1863 "Mainz")
German composer

Vorschule im Klavierspiel Op.101
(Elementary Instruction Book for the Pianoforte)

from 兒童的拜爾 鋼琴教本 導入書
p.22-23 鞦韆
(美樂 MP105) 

Alto / Treble Recorder ~ 婕怡 (Sight-Reading/視奏訓練)


Traditional Song

Time Pieces for Treble / Alto Recorder Volume 1
(AB 2845)
Music through the Ages in Two Volumes
Kathryn Bennetts and Peter Bowman

Kalevala Melody
(arr. Alan Bullard)

2020年7月11日 星期六

Melody 2098 ~ Christian Louis Heinrich Köhler

Christian Louis Heinrich Köhler
(Sep / 5 / 1820 - Feb / 16 / 1886)
German composer

The First Studies for Piano
Die leichtesten Etüden für jeden Klavierschüler
Twelve Easy Studies

Op.151 No.1

Melody 2097 ~ Christian Louis Heinrich Köhler

Christian Louis Heinrich Köhler
(Sep / 5 / 1820 - Feb / 16 / 1886)
German composer

The First Studies for Piano
Die leichtesten Etüden für jeden Klavierschüler
Twelve Easy Studies

Op.151 No.2

Piano Sight - Reading / 視奏讀譜訓練 ~ 婕怡 、緯銘

Ferdinand Beyer
(Jul/25/1803 "Querfurt" - May/14/1863 "Mainz")
German composer

Vorschule im Klavierspiel
(Elementary Instruction Book for the Pianoforte)

Op.101 No.5 Exercise in C
(Vierhändigen-For Four Hands-四手用)

2020年7月10日 星期五

Alto (Treble) Recorder Grade 1 ~ 婕怡 (Sight-Reading Practice / 演奏詮釋視奏訓練)

Traditional song

Sakura, Sakura

from Time Pieces for Treble / Alto Recorder Volume 1
(AB 2845)
Music through the Ages in Two Volumes
Kathryn Bennetts and Peter Bowman

2008 - 2013 ABRSM Exam
Alto (Treble) Recorder Grade 1 C:3

2008 - 2013 年 / 英國皇家音樂檢定 / 第一級中音笛考試曲

Piano Sight - Reading / 視奏讀譜訓練 ~ 婕怡 、緯銘

Ferdinand Beyer
(Jul/25/1803 "Querfurt" - May/14/1863 "Mainz")
German composer

Vorschule im Klavierspiel
(Elementary Instruction Book for the Pianoforte)

Op.101 No.4 Exercise in C
(Vierhändigen-For Four Hands-四手用)

2020年7月9日 星期四

Piano Sight - Reading / 視奏讀譜訓練 ~ 婕怡 、緯銘

Ferdinand Beyer
(Jul/25/1803 "Querfurt" - May/14/1863 "Mainz")
German composer

Vorschule im Klavierspiel
(Elementary Instruction Book for the Pianoforte)

Op.101 No.3 Moderato in C
(Vierhändigen-For Four Hands-四手用)

2020年7月8日 星期三

Descant/Soprano Recorder Grade 5 ~ 婕怡 (Repeat)


Diogenio Bigaglia (ca. 1676 - ca. 1745) Italian composer

Sonata in G, Op.1 No.2
4th movement 'Presto' from Zwölf Sonaten für Sopranblockflöte und Basso continuo
(BP 317) ABRSM Descant/Soprano Recorder Grade 5 2008 - 2017 A:1-2 and 2018 - 2021 A:2-2
2008 - 2021 年 英國皇家音樂檢定 第五級高音笛考試曲

Piano Sight - Reading / 視奏讀譜訓練 ~ 婕怡 、緯銘


Ferdinand Beyer
(Jul/25/1803 "Querfurt" - May/14/1863 "Mainz")
German composer
Vorschule im Klavierspiel Op.101
(Elementary Instruction Book for the Pianoforte)

from 兒童的拜爾 鋼琴教本 導入書
p.30-31 節日
(美樂 MP105) 

2020年7月7日 星期二

Melody 2096 ~ Ferdinand Beyer

Ferdinand Beyer
(Jul/25/1803 "Querfurt" - May/14/1863 "Mainz")
German composer

Vorschule im Klavierspiel
Elementary Instruction Book for the Pianoforte

Op.101 Tonleiter in E dur - Scale of E major - E 調大音階

Melody 2095 ~ Brian Chapple (Tutorial)


 Brian Chapple (b. 1945) English composer

March Hare,No.5

Exam Tempo

ABRSM 2003 - 2004
Piano Exam Grade 2 C:2

2003 - 2004 年

2020年7月6日 星期一

Treble (Alto) Recorder Grade 2 ~ 婕怡 (no repeat)

(no repeat)

Guillaume de Machaut
(c.1300 - 1377)
French composer

Douce dame jolie

from Time Pieces for Treble / Alto Recorder Volume 1
(AB 2845)
Music through the Ages in Two Volumes
Kathryn Bennetts and Peter Bowman

ABRSM 2008 - 2013
Treble (Alto) Recorder Grade 2 C:3

2008 - 2013 年

Melody 2094 ~ Ferdinand Beyer

Ferdinand Beyer
(Jul/25/1803 "Querfurt" - May/14/1863 "Mainz")
German composer

Vorschule im Klavierspiel
Elementary Instruction Book for the Pianoforte

Op.101 Tonleiter in A dur - Scale of A major - A 調大音階

2020年7月5日 星期日

Melody 2093 ~ Carl Czerny

Karl Czerny (1791 - 1857) Austrian composer

Carl Czerny Practical Method for Beginners on the Pianoforte

It is also well to practice the first 18 Exercises
transposed a semitone higher and a semitone lower,
retaining the original fingering

Op.599 No.3 in F sharp / G flat position

Melody 2092 ~ Carl Czerny

Karl Czerny (1791 - 1857) Austrian composer

Carl Czerny Practical Method for Beginners on the Pianoforte

It is also well to practice the first 18 Exercises
transposed a semitone higher and a semitone lower,
retaining the original fingering

Op.599 No.3 in G position

Melody 2091 ~ Carl Czerny

Karl Czerny (1791 - 1857) Austrian composer

Carl Czerny Practical Method for Beginners on the Pianoforte

It is also well to practice the first 18 Exercises
transposed a semitone higher and a semitone lower,
retaining the original fingering

Op.599 No.3 in G sharp / A flat position

2020年7月4日 星期六

Melody 2090 ~ Ferdinand Beyer

Ferdinand Beyer
(Jul/25/1803 "Querfurt" - May/14/1863 "Mainz")
German composer

Vorschule im Klavierspiel
Elementary Instruction Book for the Pianoforte

Op.101 No.77
Moderato in C

Piano performance with sheet of music
(彈奏影片加上樂譜由Violy App製作/Score by Violy App)

Beyer Op.101 Complete Album

Piano ~ 淑芬

Friedrich Daniel Rudolf Kuhlau
(11 Sep 1786 - 12 Mar 1832)
German-Danish composer

Sonatine Op.88 No.2
G dur-Sol majeur-G大調
2nd movement
'Andante cantabile'

from Sonatinen II (小奏鳴曲集 2) No.5
庫勞 小奏鳴曲 作品88 第2曲
G大調,第二樂章 "如歌的小行板"
(全音 P247)

2020年7月3日 星期五

Melody 2089 ~ Carl Czerny

Karl Czerny
(1791 - 1857)
Austrian composer

Carl Czerny Practical Method for Beginners on the Pianoforte

First Lessons in learning the Notes

It is also well to practice the first 18 Exercises
transposed a semitone higher and a semitone lower,
retaining the original fingering

Op.599 No.2 Etude in C sharp / D flat Major

Melody 2088 ~ Carl Czerny

Karl Czerny
(1791 - 1857)
Austrian composer

Carl Czerny Practical Method for Beginners on the Pianoforte


First Lessons in learning the Notes


It is also well to practice the first 18 Exercises

transposed a semitone higher and a semitone lower,
retaining the original fingering

Op.599 No.2 Etude in B Major

Melody 2087 ~ Carl Czerny

Karl Czerny
(1791 - 1857)
Austrian composer

Carl Czerny Practical Method for Beginners on the Pianoforte

First Lessons in learning the Notes

It is also well to practice the first 18 Exercises
transposed a semitone higher and a semitone lower,
retaining the original fingering

Op.599 No.2 Etude in C Major

2020年7月2日 星期四

Melody 2086 ~ Friedrich Kuhlau

Friedrich Daniel Rudolf Kuhlau
(11 Sep 1786 - 12 Mar 1832)
German-Danish composer

Sonatine Op.88 No.2
G dur-Sol majeur-G大調
2nd movement
'Andante cantabile'

from Sonatinen II (小奏鳴曲集 2) No.5
庫勞 小奏鳴曲 作品88 第2曲
G大調,第二樂章 "如歌的小行板"
(全音 P247)

Melody 2085 ~ Ferdinand Beyer

Ferdinand Beyer
(Jul/25/1803 "Querfurt" - May/14/1863 "Mainz")
German composer

Vorschule im Klavierspiel Op.101
Elementary Instruction Book for the Pianoforte

Op.101 No.106
Allegro moderato in C

2020年7月1日 星期三

Melody 2084 ~ Ferdinand Beyer

Ferdinand Beyer
(Jul/25/1803 "Querfurt" - May/14/1863 "Mainz")
German composer

Vorschule im Klavierspiel Op.101
(Elementary Instruction Book for the Pianoforte)

Op.101 No.76 Allegro moderato in G

Piano performance with sheet of music
(彈奏影片加上樂譜由Violy App製作/Score by Violy App)

Beyer Op.101 Complete Album

Melody 2083 ~ Carl Czerny

Carl Czerny
(1791 - 1857)
Austrian composer

Carl Czerny Practical Method for Beginners on the Pianoforte

Exercises within the Compass of an Octave, on white Keys only

Op.599 No.22 in C Major

Piano Performance with sheet of music
(彈奏影片加上樂譜由Violy App製作/Score by Violy App)